Wittgenstein's manuscript volumes from 1929: Reflections on the Chronology of MSS 105 – 107. In this paper I identify the evidence that might be used to establish a viable chronology for Wittgenstein’s writing of his manuscript volumes 105 – 107 and sections thereof. Since Wittgenstein omits to date his entries in these three 1929 volumes between February 15 and September 11, the evaluation of these different chronologies must remain somewhat speculative, but the justifications for each can, as I will show, be revealingly compared. I also argue that such attempts at a genealogical appreciation of Wittgenstein’s remarks is not only worthwhile on its own terms but it also further paves the way for an increased understanding of Wittgenstein’s philosophy. I articulate and evaluate three possible chronologies for the year 1929 and argue for the one I take to be the most plausible.