The Dispossesed Face. The Liberating Function Of The Dédire In Emmanuel Levinas’ Philosophy / Le Visage Désapproprié. La Fonction Libératrice Du Dédire Chez Emmanuel Levinas [Book Review]
This article deals with levinasian face revealed as a pneumatological intersubjective intrigue of self-dispossession. The face as illeity becomes a neutral symbol that makes from its epiphany a disturbing event. The language shown in the event resides in a continuous deny of the communication having the structure Dit-Dire-Dédire. The face preserves the absolute strangeness of the Other as a Third Person that has nothing to do with the phenomenological “there is”.Contrary to the common opinion that makes from Levinas’ philosophy one of abstract judaism, Marc Faessler, Guy Petitdemange, Michel Dupuis argue on the hypothesis that the pattern of the self-dispossession and of the ethical proximity lays in the christic kenosis. The levinasian self is incarnated as a pure passivity always exposed to an immemorial and exceeding responsibility. This aproach of the christic kenosis opens a new path of research in levinasian philosophy