Granì 22 (1):29-33 (
Modern Society is in the deep value-based crisis. This crisis have taken place already some time ago and is linked to a process of corruption of traditional values and transition to the new forms of cooperation of the actors of social and political processes and relations between the state and the society. There are many reasons for the modern crisis. They are: planetary sized transition to the information-oriented society, that led to destruction of value-based positions; appearance of the new leaders on the political stage; escalation of the conflict between civilizations that is well seen in inadequate interpenetration of their values and cultures; understanding of the fact that values-based orientations of so called “free” market are not absolute and cannot be used for all purposes and etc. This happens because beside the material values in the society are also consider as important the values of the ideal sides of the life such as culture, religion, way of living and a lot of other things that make up an important part of civilizational basic principles of society. Why did consumptionism that was so much raised by modern liberals still not become the highest value in most societies thou it is the key element for development of the economic policy of the state? Is it possible also taking into account analyses of value-based crises to forecast the forks of the evolution of the modern world?