This essay is on Man's limitations as per his perceptions of his reality, given his physiology and given his mind's attributes.
Of course, not many people think or care much about this matter, moving on through their daily chores, doing, serving, and buying their specific necessities for life. That fact does not change the truth that what all human beings experience, feel, endure and remember as their reality is a vastly complex fabrication woven by our minds, ultimately creating, designing a cohering ‘reality’ that makes our ‘reality’ recognizable enough such that, as stated, we can go on ignoring the unreality of our reality and get on with the necessities for our daily sustenance.
Thus, each day, we believe in all that we did, spoke, and in the ways, we acted and interacted with whomsoever we performed and interacted with. We live each day believing, feeling, experiencing ‘our consciousness’ as being real; believing our memories are real; believing in all that we experience, witnessed, and/or participated in specific events. Now the point here is this; rare is the Man who pauses a while, contemplating the truth of all his beliefs, considering the vastness of the falsities of much of these beliefs. And, apart from such a few introspective, the fact of the matter is most human beings live and die believing they have genuinely experienced the entirety of all that they have experienced, considering, in effect, the entire film of their life was ‘real.’