The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is quickly becoming a cultural hub, and experiencing changes in patterns of cultureCulture and social behaviour. As a result, KSA is seeking to develop and expand its non-oil economy, transitioning into a destination more attractive for visitors and investors. In line with its “Saudi Vision 2030Saudi Vision 2030”, a strategic framework to reduce Saudi Arabia’s dependence on oil, diversify its economy, and develop public service sectors such as healthHealth, education, infrastructure, recreation, and tourism, the country is developing different sectors, revalorising and revitalising its cultureCulture and foreseeing a form of modernisation based on a spirit of innovation. This chapter aims to explore how Saudi cultural identityIdentity is expressed and negotiated in different discourses regarding food heritageFood heritage, and how hybridityHybridity generates an identityIdentity crisis between diversity and integration. In the light of upcoming transformations, how is Saudi cultural identityIdentity expressed, constructed, and negotiated in different discourses? Societal changes can occur either as progressive and linear transformations or as abrupt bursts of activity that could affect both the social environment and the country’s image. Change and transformation can be newly built from scratch, or can be a revitalisation of existing identityIdentity. Through an exploration of textual materials and methods such as observation and interviews, the research explores the meaningMeaning of foodFood tradition and its representation through individual and collective memoryMemory.