¿Por qué nos importa tanto el tema de la identidad?
Aposta 39:4 (
The identity is an arduous and complex topic that includes practically all the aspects of the life of a human being. The identity, mediated narrative, plays a role aimed at the personal direction of ours lives and sociocultural function linked to the quest for recognition of the rights of social groups to which one feels attached . Between economic globalization and pluralization of the life forms, identity is the result of a double disorientation. At the individual level, the insecurity work, the flexibility of human relations, the rise in divorces or international migrations require rethinking, constantly, the circumstances on which our lives are developed. At the collective level, the new transnational agents like ONU or OTAN and local agents like nationalism, ethnic or immigrant groups forced to rethink the space of groups, collectives and communities between the global homogenization and local heterogeneity