Економічні передумови становлення ринку санаторно-курортних послуг в україні
Схід 3 (129):113-117 (
The article aims at studying the economic processes of developing national market of resort services in a historical perspective. The theoretical conceptualization of the market of resort services has been conducted, the basic economic backgrounds of its formation has been defined basing on a comprehensive assessment of researches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists. The article has analyzed the institutional framework of a resort services market in the realities of a mixed model of the national economy. The issues of financial security of resort treatment and rehabilitation in the conditions of a market and anti-market of Ukrainehave been studied. The problem of economic inefficiency of planning and distribution system to ensure the proper level of reproduction of human capital has been outlined. It has been established that the spa and resort sector of Ukraine is characterized by the transformation of the economy reflecting the changes of public vectors of a state-formationthat affect differently entrepreneurship, private and state property, principles and ways of funding spa treatment and rehabilitation of the population. The results of the study enable to formulate the basic economic conditions of formation of the national market of spa and resort services: a significant level of economic utilization of natural recreational resources, development of infrastructure for spa treatment and rehabilitation of people; revival of institutional norms of sanatorium and resort business on the principles of private property, entrepreneurship and competition. Further research should be conducted as to develop anti-crisis trends in a governmental regulation of the national market of resort services in Ukraine, transformation of quasi-marketsystem of spa and resort services into a socially oriented system of market relations that meet the demands of a modern Ukrainian society