In this chapter, we will provide an overview of Richard Dedekind's work on continuity, both foundational and mathematical. His seminal contribution to the foundations of analysis is the well-known 1872 booklet Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen (Continuity and irrational numbers), which is based on Dedekind's insight into the essence of continuity that he arrived at in the fall of 1858. After analysing the intuitive understanding of the continuity of the geometric line, Dedekind characterized the property of continuity for the real numbers in terms of what are nowadays called 'Dedekind cuts' on the rational numbers. This treatment, which can be characterized as being 'arithmetical' as well as 'axiomatic', will be presented in detail. To better position Dedekind's contributions in their historical context, we will also consider some of his more mathematical treatments of continuity in addition to his foundational work. Of particular interest is the definition of the Riemann surface in his joint work with Heinrich Weber (1882). Moreover, Dedekind's reflections on space and continuity in his unpublished papers 'Allgemeine Sätze über Räume' (General theorems about spaces; before 1870) and 'Beweis und Anwendungen eines allgemeinen Satzes über mehrfach ausgedehnte stetige Gebiete' (Proof and applications of a general theorem about multiply extended continuous domains; 1892) illustrate the wide range and general coherency of his thoughts. By discussing Dedekind's works in which the notion of continuity plays a central role, we will show how Dedekind's approaches became increasingly abstract, while at the same time retaining a common methodology.