Views From a Number of Morality Philosophers and Their Meaning for Education
Dissertation, University of Pretoria (South Africa) (
Man is a moral being who is characterised by among others, that his moral consciousness, his ability to choose and his acceptance of human norms, depend on education. ;Due to the fact that man as moral being has a value consciousness, he is capable of the distinguishing between good and evil. Human existence is characterised by the continual making of choices with actions which necessarily follow on these choices. Man's choices are affected by his centralising value which not only determines the order of the other choices, but is also contained in each of the other values. The consciousness as awareness of norm and what is proper, has the function of among others, continuously monitoring man's order of values. ;Being human is also characterised by a continual striving for fruitful tension. In his path-of-becoming man is directed towards a goal which could make him restless and which could lead to his endeavours to complete. ;For this reason, education is characterised by among others, assistance aiming at a situation where the educand will be able to choose for himself and will act according to what he should be. Consciousness-forming can be seen as the central part of education. ;In this study an essential analysis of morality as phenomenon was undertaken. An investigation was also launched in the morality situation as found in South Africa and some morality philosophies were pedagogic-critically evaluated to determine their meaning for education. ;The researcher came to the conclusion that the educand in his path-of-becoming a morally independent adult, has a tangible need for morality education in particular