Etika kerja: Indikasi perasaan puas karyawan terhadap pekerjaannya
This study is tried to find out, whether the labor’s work ethic and labor’s satisfaction have positive correlation or not at PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia. The Work Ethic is ethic order which underlying the behavioral society in order to realize the work relationship based on basic standard, ideal, and harmony. The Job Satisfaction is generalization of the feeling that employee’s perceived as like or dislike of their job based on the job aspects. The authors use work ethic theory of The Six Pillars of Character, which divided works ethic into six dimensions, there are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. The Authors also use the job satisfaction theory from The Job Descriptive Index, which divided jobs satisfaction into five dimensions, there are job, pay, promotion, supervision, and fellow workers. The sample of this study took 106 respondents and all of them are permanent employees at Chicken Processing Plant that have already worked for Charoen Pokphand Indonesia more than 1 year of service. The study of data analysis shows correlation index = 0.495 and p < 0.01. It is concluded, that there is a positive relationship between labor’s work ethic and labor’s job satisfaction at PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia. The more positive of work ethic behavioral of the employees, the job satisfaction will be higher, and on the contrary, the more negative of work ethic behavioral, the satisfaction will be lower.  .