Substance Metaphysics and Theories of the Moral Agent: Heidegger and Foucault on Ethics
Dissertation, Northwestern University (
Postmodern philosophy poses challenges to moral theory. It may undermine the possibility of moral theory through critiques of concepts necessary for moral agency. This critique also has possibilities for deepening our understanding of normative life. Using the work of Heidegger and Foucault, I show that postmodern philosophy does provide such opportunities. Since concepts of the moral and of the person mutually implicate each other, I will focus on the idea of the moral self to assess the value of their work for ethics. ;In Chapter One I outline a theory of the moral and its source. Normativity rests on our reflective relation to existence. Since Western ethics is determined by substance metaphysics, there are deficiencies in how it construes this normative work of identity. Therefore, there are deficiencies in how ethics has thematized the moral agent. I show how these deficiencies appear in a concept of the agent I call "moral solipsism." There are good reasons to reject moral solipsism. Chief among them is the position's inconsistency concerning the relation of meaning and agency. There are many ways to undermine the grip of moral solipsism on our thinking about morality. Chief among them is criticizing the position's metaphysics. ;Using Heidegger, in Chapter Two I criticize the metaphysics of moral solipsism. Moral solipsism thinks of the agent as a producer rather than an agent. Moral solipsism thus misunderstands normative life for it misunderstands the self that is our context for comprehending moral value. I then argue that Heidegger provides important alternatives and more adequate concepts of the normative and self. ;In Chapter Three I consider Foucault's relation to ethics. I focus on his philosophy of the subject and his claim to be thinking towards a philosophy of liberation. I argue that they are contradictory. We need, therefore, to return to Heidegger's postmodern ethics. ;In the Conclusion I respond to plausible objections to my arguments. I then summarize the essay while discussing future directions, mentioning virtue theory, power and responsibility