Pengaruh manajemen diri terhadap intensitas konflik peran ganda (studi pada wanita Yang bekerja di lembaga pendidikan)
The purpose of this research is to proving empirically correlation between self management with double role conflict at educational institution of Primagama Yogyakarta. Hypothesis of this research is there any negative correlation between self management with double role at woman career in educational institution of Primagama Yogyakarta. Participants in this research are woman career in educational institution of Primagama Yogyakarta with characteristic are married, have children, with sample accumulated was 32, from 35 person woman employee in Primagama. This research using two scale methods to collecting data, there are self management schale and double role conflict schale likert model. Hypothesis was tested with product moment correlation analysis technique. The research result showing there any significant negative correlation between self management with intensity of double role conflict at woman employee in educational institution of Primagama Yogyakarta.  .