Macranthoropos and Microcosm in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy and its Historical Background
The issue of macranthropos and microcosm is discussed in Sadrian Philosophy. Here, man is compared as the "microcosm" with the external world as the "macranthropos".In order to grasp a better understanding of this topic in Mulla Sadra's works, we have to pay attention to certain preliminary points. For example, we should learn from which perspective and based on which philosophical thought Mulla Sadra studies man. The knowledge of the background of this topic in other schools is also necessary in this regard.This paper does not deal with this issue in the field of anthropology, which studies man from the four dimensions of physical anthropology, archeology, linguistics, and cultural anthropology. Rather, the question here is whether there exists essentially anything under the title of macranthropos and microcosm in the history of philosophy. That is why we recognize Mulla Sadra not merely as a rationalist philosopher, but as a theologian philosopher. A related question here is whether there exists anything in this regard in the Book and Sunna.This paper will also cast a glance at gnostics' related ideas because they play an essential role in our understanding of Mulla Sadra's view of man. Perhaps, one can claim that without following a gnostic approach, which is apparent in the Transcendent Philosophy, we cannot learn about Mulla Sadra's view of this issue.