Macrocosm and Microcosm in Mulla Sadra's Thought
In the discussion of macrocosm and microcosm in Sadrian philosophy, man, as the microcosm, is compared to the outside world as the macrocosm.In order to be able to explore this issue thoroughly in Mulla Sadra's works, it is first necessary to know how he approaches man.As we know, arthropology has different meanings, and nowadays different sciences, including psychology, sociology, physiology, and the like, deal with the t different aspects of this amazing being depending on their own subject.Obviously, the topic of discussion here is neither of these areas, nor anthropology itself, which is a newly developed science, studying man from phyiscal, archaeological, linguistic, and cultural angels.Since we know Mulla Sadra as a prominent philosopher who has introduced his own school of thought, we will first go through the history of philosophy to see whether there asically exist certain things called marocosm and microcosm. Moreover, since we view Mulla Sadra as not only a rationalist, but also a theosopher, we will also take a brief look at the Scripture and Sunna.Ultimately, since a review of Mulla Sadra's works obviously indicates that he is greatly influenced by Ibn Arabi's gnosis, we will also study gnostics' trend of thoughts. Gnosis plays a fundamental role in recognizing Mulla Sadra's view of man, and we might even be able to claim that without exploring the gnostic features of the Transcendent Philosophy, one cannot study man from a Sadrian perspective.