Unity in Dawani
Undoubtedly, Dawani is one of the most prominent figures that came to the world of being after the Mongols' attack on Iran and in the time interval between the development of the illuminative School of Philosophy and the formation of the Transcendent Philosophy. Dawani's significance lies not only in his numerous writings but also in his benefiting from a kind of independence in his thoughts, which led to the development of a number of innovative ideas. In addition to being famous as the commentator of Shaykh al-Ishraq's works, he had also complete dominance over Ibn Sina's works and, in many case, he sought help from his words in order to explain his points. The other point that we will deal with in this paper is the effect of accepting gnostic works on his thoughts.Perhaps, we can say that the most important of Dawani's ideas is the one related to the unity of being. He has tried to not only bring his other thoughts in harmony with it but also use it to demonstrate other issues. When discussing the issues of existence and quiddity, cause and effect, etc., Dawani argues based on dhawq ta'alluh. He also resorts to it when demonstrating the other aspects of oneness. Accordingly, after explaining the unity of being in his view, we will present his words concerning the other types of unity.