Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook and its Relationship to Sufism
The present paper contains an examination of certain sufistic ideaselucidated in Doris Lessing most celebrated novel The GoldenNotebook. It is my contention that this particular novel marked aprofound shift in Lessing's ontology and subsequently led her to acceptthe validity of a “mystical” approach to existence. The purpose of thispaper therefore is essentially twofold. On the one hand, it attempts toprove that Lessing's ideology has displayed an underlying consistency.This continuity manifests itself in her adherence to an affirmativevision. Conversely, I also seek to demonstrate that The GoldenNotebook constitutes a fundamental transformation in Lessing'sphilosophical perspective. The aim of this study is to examine thisapparent paradox. Moreover, this examination will discuss how ideasand themes which informed Lessing's early fiction ultimately laid aphilosophical basis for her subsequent acceptance of Sufism