This paper examines the performance elements in Asu Ekiye’s musical video entitled Back to Base. The study cuts across the use of costume and other theatrical elements to portray various ethnic nationalities as represented in the production. This style of music video production has not been given adequate scholarly attention by researchers. Thus, the paper examines the performance elements in Asu Ekiye’s music video, Back to Base. It is against this backdrop that the content analysis method of investigation is deployed. It adopts comparative analysis investigative approach which appropriates primary and secondary sources. The primary sources are musical video CD of Asu Ekiye. The secondary sources are scholarly materials related to musical performance and theatre. This paper observes that Asu Ekiye’s musical video performance dialogue with performers ranging from lead singers to back-up singers, actors and dancers also involves audience participation and other performance elements. Asu Ekiye’s musical video entitled Back to Base is performed on two different performing areas: the arena stage and the aquatic stage. This paper holds that costumes, dances, and dramatic performances, props and locations are the main strengths and attractions of the music video. It recommends that for music to thrive in Nigeria, a multicultural society, musicians should ensure that their musical productions should be cross cultural and they should deploy variety of performances elements.