At the research site, which is located in southeastern United States, over 30% of students did not pass standardized tests in math for 3 consecutive years indicating that students were not meeting math standards. In order to help students pass state tests, Success Maker, which is an educational software, was integrated into the math curriculum. The effect of Success Maker on state tests in math had not been examined using quantitative data. The research question was regarding the effect of Success Maker on proficiency in math as measured by state testing. The theoretical framework was based on the social learning theory. Archived state scores in math were collected from 2 elementary school cohorts where the first cohort used Success Maker in the classroom and the second cohort did not use Success Maker in the classroom. Data were analyzed using an independent samples t test to examine the difference in the means of state scores in math of 2 cohorts. The findings revealed that state scores in math improved after Success Maker was integrated into the curriculum. Successful integration of software into the math curriculum could help elementary school math teachers help their students meet academic standards.