In Michael Boylan (ed.),
Who Owns You? Wiley. pp. 137–154 (
This chapter discusses some of the practical consequences of the recent and evolving situation in both science and industry, and forecasts how altering the law might affect each. It considers at least three possibilities: (1) justice demands eradicating patenting genes no matter what the consequences, (2) justice and economic efficiency demand altering the current system to meet both concerns, or (3) the economic effects of altering or eradicating the present system outweigh both the concerns of justice or economic efficiency, and so the status quo should be maintained. The chapter explores each of these possibilities with an eye toward actually proposing rational public policy scenarios that could be adopted. Open Source essentially amounts to the ideal methods of the sciences applied to products in the marketplace. DNA in its natural state is the object of discovery and therefore the domain of science.