Results for ' gene market'

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  1. Marketing, Consumers and Technology: Perspectives for Enhancing Ethical Transactions.Gene R. Laczniak & Patrick E. Murphy - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (3):313-321.
    The advance of technology has influenced marketing in a number of ways that have ethical implications. Growth in use of the Internetand e-commerce has placed electronic “cookies,” spyware, spam, RFIDs, and data mining at the forefront of the ethical debate. Some marketers have minimized the significance of these trends. This overview paper examines these issues and introduces the two articles that follow. It is hoped that these entries will further the important “marketing and technology” ethical debate.
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  2. Fostering ethical marketing decisions.Gene R. Laczniak & Patrick E. Murphy - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (4):259 - 271.
    This paper begins by examining several potentially unethical recent marketing practices. Since most marketing managers face ethical dilemmas during their careers, it is essential to study the moral consequences of these decisions. A typology of ways that managers might confront ethical issues is proposed. The significant organizational, personal and societal costs emanting from unethical behavior are also discussed. Both relatively simple frameworks and more comprehensive models for evaluating ethical decisions in marketing are summarized. Finally, the fact that organizational commitment to (...)
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    Say No to GMOs! (Genetically Modified Organisms).Gene Thomas & Chris Picone - unknown
    Time was when you could bite a tomato and not ingest fish genes. Time was when you could eat french fries and just worry about the fat and salt, not the bacterial genes that produce insecticides in the potato. Those times are over, thanks to corporate control over both genetic engineering and the lack of food-labeling. Unless you are a “hard core” consumer of organic foods, you eat genetically engineered foods everyday. While 80-90% of US consumers believe genetically engineered foods (...)
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    Chapter 3 Islamic “Free Market” Doctrine Pragmatically Applied.Gene W. Heck - 2006 - In Charlemagne, Muhammad, and the Arab Roots of Capitalism. Walter de Gruyter.
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  5. Individual Difference Variables, Ethical Judgments, and Ethical Behavioral Intentions.Gene Brown - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (2):183-205.
    Abstract:This study examined the relationship between the individual difference variables of personal moral philosophy, locus of control, Machiavellianism, and just world beliefs and ethical judgments and behavioral intentions. A sample of 602 marketing practitioners participated in the study. Structural equation modeling was used to test hypothesized relationships. The results either fully or partially supported hypothesized direct effects for idealism, relativism, and Machiavellianism. Findings also suggested that Machiavellianism mediated the relationship between individual difference variables and ethical judgments/behavioral intentions.
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    Marketing and Ecology: Retrospect and Prospect.Patrick E. Murphy & Gene R. Laczniak - 1977 - Business and Society 18 (1):26-34.
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    Implications of Caritas in Veritate for Marketing and Business Ethics.Thomas A. Klein & Gene R. Laczniak - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (4):641-651.
    In an effort to assess the latest thinking in the Roman Catholic Church on economic matters, we examine the newest encyclical by Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth) for guidance concerning marketing and business strategy. Core ethical values, consistent with historical Catholic Social Teachings (CST), are retained. However, some important nuances are added to previous treatments, and, reflecting the mind of the current Pontiff, certain points of emphasis are shifted to account for recent global developments. Key areas (...)
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    [Book review] art for art's sake & literary life, how politics and markets helped shape the ideology & culture of aestheticism, 1790-1990. [REVIEW]H. Gene - 1998 - Science and Society 62 (2).
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    Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing and Its Marketing: Emergent Ethical and Public Policy Implications.Alexander Nill & Gene Laczniak - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (4):669-688.
    This paper provides a marketing ethics analysis that addresses the practice of selling genetic tests directly to the consumer. It details the complexity of this emergent sector by articulating the panoply of evolving ethical/social questions raised by this development. It advances the conversation about DTC genetic testing by reviewing the business and healthcare literature concerning this topic and by laying out the inherent ethical complications for consumers, marketers, and regulators. It also points to several possible public and company policy adjustments. (...)
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    Ethical ideology and the ethical judgments of marketing professionals.Tim Barnett, Ken Bass, Gene Brown & Frederic J. Hebert - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (7):715-723.
    The present study extends the study of individuals' ethical ideology withinthe context of marketing ethics issues. A national sample of marketing professionals participated. Respondents' ethical ideologies were classified as absolutists, situationists, exceptionists, or subjectivists using the Ethical Position Questionnaire (Forsyth, 1980). Respondents then answered questions about three ethically ambiguous situations common to marketing and sales. The results indicated that marketers' ethical judgments about the situations differed based on their ethical ideology, with absolutists rating the actions as most unethical. The findings (...)
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  11. Libidinal Economy and the Life of Logos.Gene Fendt - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):320-325.
    This paper brings Lyotard into connection with the discussions of Socrates in REPUBLIC concerning general libidinal economy and its relation to the logos in human beings. Since desire is always the desire to be amoral -- not to recognize the person as subject, but rather recognizing it as a market for the capital gain of desire, it is to be suspected that desire within the subject is the cause of so-called differends between subjects. This is what Republic is about.
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    Can Keynesianism explain the 1930s? Reply to Cowen.Gene Smiley - 1991 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 5 (1):81-114.
    Tyler Cowen's ?Why Keynesianism Triumphed? proposed that only Keynesian economists have presented a successful explanation for the Great Depression of 1929?1933 and the continuing slow and intermittent recovery of the rest of the 1930s. This paper examines recent scholarship on the 1930s and finds that there is increasing doubt about the validity of Keynesian explanations, lending credence to both older and recent scholarship that vindicates free?market views of why the Depression happened and why the recovery was so slow and (...)
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    The “Integrative Justice Model” as Transformative Justice for Base-of-the-Pyramid Marketing.Tina M. Facca-Miess, Gene R. Laczniak & Nicholas J. C. Santos - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (4):697-707.
    Writing in the Business and Politics, Santos and Laczniak 2012) formulated a normative, ethical approach to be followed when marketers e ngage impoverished market segments. It is labeled the integrative justice model. As noted below, that approach called for authentic engagement, co-creation, and customer interest representation, among other elements, when transacting with vulnerable market segments. Basically, the IJM derived certain operational virtues, implied by moral philosophy, to be used when marketing to the poor. But this well-intentioned approach raises (...)
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    “Just” Markets from the Perspective of Catholic Social Teaching.Nicholas J. C. Santos & Gene R. Laczniak - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (1):29-38.
    The “justice of markets” is intricately connected to the treatment of the poor and the disadvantaged in market economies. The increased interest of multinational corporations in low-income market segments affords, on one hand, the opportunity for a more inclusive capitalism, and on the other, the threat of greater exploitation of poor and disadvantaged consumers. This article traces the contributions of Catholic Social Teaching and its basic principles toward providing insight into what constitutes “justice” in such “marketing to the (...)
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    A knight's code of business: how to achieve character and competence in the corporate world.Gene Del Vecchio - 2003 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Paramount Market. Edited by Roderick Fong.
    This clever and insightful book reveals the depth and breadth of high moral character and competence in the corporate world. The good news is that the corporate world, by and large, is in good shape. The bad news is that the bad apples number enough to make the rest of us vulnerable to their whims. A Knight?s Code of Business is the first book to arrive in the aftermath of high profiles disasters such as Enron and WorldCom. It presents both (...)
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    [Book review] art for art's sake & literary life, how politics and markets helped shape the ideology & culture of aestheticism, 1790-1990. [REVIEW]Gene H. Bell-Villada - 1998 - Science and Society 62 (2):293-295.
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    Does Deceptive Marketing Pay? The Evolution of Consumer Sentiment Surrounding a Pseudo-Product-Harm Crisis.Reo Song, Ho Kim, Gene Moo Lee & Sungha Jang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (3):743-761.
    The slandering of a firm’s products by competing firms poses significant threats to the victim firm, with the resulting damage often being as harmful as that from product-harm crises. In contrast to a true product-harm crisis, however, this disparagement is based on a false claim or fake news; thus, we call it a pseudo-product-harm crisis. Using a pseudo-product-harm crisis event that involved two competing firms, this research examines how consumer sentiments about the two firms evolved in response to the crisis. (...)
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    Gene Manipulation: Market and Expert Failures.János I. Tóth - 2000 - Global Bioethics 13 (3-4):79-86.
    Gene-technology was developed in the eighties and stimulated an overmuch heated social debate. Let's think such problems as cloning, transgenic organisms, Human Genom Project, DNA diagnostics and therapy, the geneticalisation of society etc. While the gene manipulation develops rapidly the necessary social control is missing. Regarding the social co-ordination of gene technology, the decision-makers still excessively trust in the institution of market and in the experts' competence.
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  19. Why We Should Defend Gene Editing as Eugenics.Nicholas Agar - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (1):9-19.
    Abstract:This paper considers the relevance of the concept of “eugenics,”—a term associated with some of the most egregious crimes of the twentieth century—to the possibility of editing human genomes. The author identifies some uses of gene editing as eugenics but proposes that this identification does not suffice to condemn them. He proposes that we should distinguish between “morally wrong” practices, which should be condemned, and “morally problematic” practices that call for solutions, and he suggests that eugenic uses of (...) editing fall into this latter category. Although when we choose the characteristics of future people we are engaging in morally dangerous acts, some interventions in human heredity should nevertheless be acknowledged as morally good. These morally good eugenic interventions include some uses of preimplantation genetic diagnosis. The author argues that we should think about eugenic interventions in the same way that we think about morally problematic interventions in public health. When we recognize some uses of gene editing as eugenics, we make the dangers of selecting or modifying human genetic material explicit. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)Pragmatic Considerations of Gene Ownership.David Koepsell - 2015-03-19 - In Michael Boylan (ed.), Who Owns You? Wiley. pp. 137–154.
    This chapter discusses some of the practical consequences of the recent and evolving situation in both science and industry, and forecasts how altering the law might affect each. It considers at least three possibilities: (1) justice demands eradicating patenting genes no matter what the consequences, (2) justice and economic efficiency demand altering the current system to meet both concerns, or (3) the economic effects of altering or eradicating the present system outweigh both the concerns of justice or economic efficiency, and (...)
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    Gene patents.Richard M. Lebovitz - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law 4:1-14.
    Although the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) has granted patents on genes for over 20 years, the prudence of gene patenting continues to stir controversy. Some have questioned the ethics of monopolizing a resource that is so fundamental and basic to all living organisms. It has also been argued that patents unfairly restrict the use of genes, impeding both basic and commercial research. For the biotechnology industry, however, gene patents are the currency it uses to protect its (...)
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    Why Markets in Proto-Deceptive Goods Should Be Restricted.James Stacey Taylor - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (4):325-335.
    In recent years there has been much philosophical discussion over the question of whether the prohibitions on markets in such items as human body parts and gene sequences, and services such as human reproductive labor and sex, should be lifted. Yet despite the attention paid to this issue there are been surprisingly little discussion of the question of whether markets in certain items that are currently freely traded should be restricted or eliminated. In particular, there has been little discussion (...)
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    RAC Oversight of Gene Transfer Research: A Model Worth Extending?Nancy M. P. King - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (3):381-389.
    Clinical gene transfer research has both a unique history and a complex and layered system of research oversight, featuring a unique review body, the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee. This paper briefly describes the process of decision-making about clinical GTR, considers whether the questions, problems, and issues raised in clinical GTR are unique, and concludes by examining whether the RAC's oversight is a useful model that should be reproduced for other similar areas of clinical research.Clinical GTR is governed by the (...)
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    Patenting human genes: Chinese academic articles’ portrayal of gene patents.Li Du - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):29.
    The patenting of human genes has been the subject of debate for decades. While China has gradually come to play an important role in the global genomics-based testing and treatment market, little is known about Chinese scholars’ perspectives on patent protection for human genes. A content analysis of academic literature was conducted to identify Chinese scholars’ concerns regarding gene patents, including benefits and risks of patenting human genes, attitudes that researchers hold towards gene patenting, and any legal (...)
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  25. Re-examining the Gene in Personalized Genomics.Jordan Bartol - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (10):2529-2546.
    Personalized genomics companies (PG; also called ‘direct-to-consumer genetics’) are businesses marketing genetic testing to consumers over the Internet. While much has been written about these new businesses, little attention has been given to their roles in science communication. This paper provides an analysis of the gene concept presented to customers and the relation between the information given and the science behind PG. Two quite different gene concepts are present in company rhetoric, but only one features in the science. (...)
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    (1 other version)Legal Dimensions in Gene Ownership.David Koepsell - 2015-03-19 - In Michael Boylan (ed.), Who Owns You? Wiley. pp. 69–87.
    In most traditions, the law is founded upon some extralegal view of morality. There are only a handful of cases prior to the 1970s that involved patenting nonhuman organisms. John Moore made several claims, but the one of most interest to us here was a claim for conversion, which means the unlawful use of another person's property for the enrichment of the person using the thing unlawfully. The cell line produced from Moore's spleen cells was eventually patented by the defendants. (...)
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    The Practical Path of the Living Inheritance of Miao Embroidery Cultural Genes: An Exploratory Study Based on Grounded in Philosophical Theory.Jing Yin, Yujie Jin & Xin Wang - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (4):105-132.
    National traditional handicrafts are an important part of China’s excellent traditional culture. Inheriting and carrying forward traditional handicrafts is a proposition of the times given to us by history. Grounded theory research methods were used to code texts, interviews, and observations related to Miao embroidery culture, and explore the dilemmas and opportunities for the inheritance of Miao embroidery culture in the current market environment and cultural environment. This article forms a basic theoretical framework for realizing the living inheritance path (...)
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    23andMe: a new two-sided data-banking market model.Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel, Guillaume Vogt & Christian Hervé - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundSince 2006, the genetic testing company 23andMe has collected biological samples, self-reported information, and consent documents for biobanking and research from more than 1,000,000 individuals, through a direct-to-consumer online genetic-testing service providing a genetic ancestry report and a genetic health report. However, on November 22, 2013, the Food and Drug Administration halted the sale of genetic health testing, on the grounds that 23andMe was not acting in accordance with federal law, by selling tests of undemonstrated reliability as predictive tests for (...)
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    Identifying public trust building priorities of gene editing in agriculture and food.Christopher Cummings, Theresa Selfa, Sonja Lindberg & Carmen Bain - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):47-60.
    Gene editing in agriculture and food (GEAF) is a nascent development with few products and is unfamiliar among the wider US public. GEAF has garnered significant praise for its potential to solve for a variety of agronomic problems but has also evoked controversy regarding safety and ethical standards of development and application. Given the wake of other agribiotechnology debates including GMOs (genetically modified organisms), this study made use of 36 in-depth key interviews to build the first U.S. based typology (...)
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    Drug Repositioning by Integrating Known Disease-Gene and Drug-Target Associations in a Semi-supervised Learning Model.Duc-Hau Le & Doanh Nguyen-Ngoc - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (4):315-331.
    Computational drug repositioning has been proven as a promising and efficient strategy for discovering new uses from existing drugs. To achieve this goal, a number of computational methods have been proposed, which are based on different data sources of drugs and diseases. These methods approach the problem using either machine learning- or network-based models with an assumption that similar drugs can be used for similar diseases to identify new indications of drugs. Therefore, similarities between drugs and between diseases are usually (...)
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    Direct to confusion: Lessons learned from marketing brca testing.Ellen Matloff & Arthur Caplan - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (6):5 – 8.
    Myriad Genetics holds a patent on testing for the hereditary breast and ovarian cancer genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, and therefore has a forced monopoly on this critical genetic test. Myriad launched a Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) marketing campaign in the Northeast United States in September 2007 and plans to expand that campaign to Florida and Texas in 2008. The ethics of Myriad's patent, forced monopoly and DTC campaign will be reviewed, as well as the impact of this situation on patient access and (...)
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    How to produce ‘marketable and profitable results for the company’: from viral interference to Roferon A.Carsten Timmermann - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (3):30.
    This paper looks at the commodification of interferon, marketed by Hoffmann La Roche as Roferon A in 1986, as a case study that helps us understand the role of pharmaceutical industry in cancer research, the impact of molecular biology on cancer therapy, and the relationships between biotech start-ups and established pharmaceutical firms. Drawing extensively on materials from the Roche company archives, the paper traces interferon’s trajectory from observed phenomenon to product. Roche embraced molecular biology in the late 1960s to prepare (...)
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    Are we closer to free market eugenics? The crispr controversy.Ted Peters - 2019 - Zygon 54 (1):7-13.
    Might the 2018 birth of two designer babies in China write the opening paragraph for the next chapter in the history of eugenics? The worldwide scientific community has tacitly put a moratorium on human clinical application of CRISPR gene editing, waiting until unknown risks can become known. But this ethical agreement has been breached, and calls are now being heard for more rigorous regulations. Perhaps religious and spiritual leaders can join the bioethical chant: the yellow light of caution is (...)
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    When microbes meet: Decay and microbial spirituality in the post‐human art market.Amanda Lyn - 2023 - Anthropology of Consciousness 34 (2):295-296.
    The future of art is dirt and decomposing shit. A deconstructed intestinal sea of microorganisms, spread out into the soil they were released back into following the extinction of their complex vessel. The genetic information they exchanged with each other as well as with their container, now existing in a vague memory, perhaps a feeling of sadness and longing, as they digest the once cherished artifacts of their human predecessors.
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    Robots and AI: a new economic era. Edited by Lili Yan Ing and Gene M. Grossman (2022). Published by Routledge, London ISBN: 9781003275534. (open access). [REVIEW]Eliaza Mkuna - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-3.
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    (1 other version)Creating future people: the science and ethics of genetic enhancement.Jonathan Anomaly - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    Creating Future People offers readers a fast-paced primer on how advances in genetics will enable parents to influence the traits of their children, including their children's intelligence, moral capacities, physical appearance, and immune system. It explains the science of gene editing and embryo selection, and motivates the moral questions it raises by thinking about the strategic aspects of parental choice. Professor Anomaly takes seriously the diversity of preferences parents have, and the limits policymakers face in regulating what will soon (...)
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    DNA patents and scientific discovery and innovation: Assessing benefits and risks.David B. Resnik - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (1):29-62.
    This paper focuses on the question of whether DNA patents help or hinder scientific discovery and innovation. While DNA patents create a wide variety of possible benefits and harms for science and technology, the evidence we have at this point in time supports the conclusion that they will probably promote rather than hamper scientific discovery and innovation. However, since DNA patenting is a relatively recent phenomena and the biotechnology industry is in its infancy, we should continue to gather evidence about (...)
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  38. Information supply and demand: Resolving Sterelny's paradox of cultural accumulation.Justin Sytsma - 2012 - In Nicolas Payette & Benoit Hardy-Vallée (eds.), Connected Minds: Cognition and Interaction in the Social World. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Gene-Culture Coevolution (GCC) theory is an intriguing new entry in the quest to understand human culture. Nonetheless, it has received relatively little philosophical attention. One notable exception is Kim Sterelny’s (2006) critique which raises three primary objections against the GCC account. Most importantly, he argues that GCC theory, as it stands, is unable to resolve “the paradox of cultural accumulation” (151); that while social learning should generally be prohibitively expensive for the pupils, it nonetheless occurs as the principle means (...)
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    Creating future people: the ethics of genetic enhancement.Jonathan Anomaly - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Creating Future People offers readers a fast-paced primer on how new genetic technologies will enable parents to influence the traits of their children, including their intelligence, moral capacities, physical appearances, and immune systems. It deftly explains the science of gene editing and embryo selection, and raises the central moral questions with colorful language and a brisk style. Jonathan Anomaly takes seriously the diversity of preferences parents have, and the limits policymakers face in regulating what could soon be a global (...)
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    Non-safety Assessments of Genome-Edited Organisms: Should They be Included in Regulation?Bjørn Kåre Myskja & Anne Ingeborg Myhr - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2601-2627.
    This article presents and evaluates arguments supporting that an approval procedure for genome-edited organisms for food or feed should include a broad assessment of societal, ethical and environmental concerns; so-called non-safety assessment. The core of analysis is the requirement of the Norwegian Gene Technology Act that the sustainability, ethical and societal impacts of a genetically modified organism should be assessed prior to regulatory approval of the novel products. The article gives an overview how this requirement has been implemented in (...)
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    Burning down the house: how libertarian philosophy was corrupted by delusion and greed.Andrew Koppelman - 2022 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    A lively history of American libertarianism and its decay into dangerous fantasy. In 2010 in South Fulton, Tennessee, each household paid the local fire department a yearly fee of $75.00. That year, Gene Cranick's house accidentally caught fire. But the fire department refused to come because Cranick had forgotten to pay his yearly fee, leaving his home in ashes. Observers across the political spectrum agreed-some with horror and some with enthusiasm-that this revealed the true face of libertarianism. But libertarianism (...)
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  42. Brain Data in Context: Are New Rights the Way to Mental and Brain Privacy?Daniel Susser & Laura Y. Cabrera - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (2):122-133.
    The potential to collect brain data more directly, with higher resolution, and in greater amounts has heightened worries about mental and brain privacy. In order to manage the risks to individuals posed by these privacy challenges, some have suggested codifying new privacy rights, including a right to “mental privacy.” In this paper, we consider these arguments and conclude that while neurotechnologies do raise significant privacy concerns, such concerns are—at least for now—no different from those raised by other well-understood data collection (...)
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    Commercial Exploitation of the Human Genome.Ruth Chadwick & Adam Hedgecoe - 2002 - In Justine Burley & John Harris (eds.), A Companion to Genethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 334–345.
    The prelims comprise: Introduction Commerce, Ethics, and Science: Gene Sequencing Commercial Marketing of Genetic Tests Conclusion.
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    Foundations of production and consumption of organic food in Norway: Common attitudes among farmers and consumers? [REVIEW]Oddveig Storstad & Hilde Bjørkhaug - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (2):151-163.
    In Norway, the production andconsumption of organic food is still small-scale. Research on attitudes towards organic farming in Norway has shown that most consumers find conventionally produced food to be “good enough.” The level of industrialization of agriculture and the existence of food scandals in a country will affect consumer demand for organically produced foods. Norway is an interesting case because of its small-scale agriculture, few problems with food-borne diseases, and low market share for organic food. Similarities between groups (...)
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    Bedeviled: A Shadow History of Demons in Science.Oren Harman - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):447-449.
    Poreskoro, with three cat and four dog heads and a snake with a forked tongue as his tail, is responsible for epidemics of contagious diseases in Romany folklore. The Pishachas of Vedic mythology lurk in charnel houses and graveyards, waiting for humans to infect with madness. In Christian demonology, Pythius is known as the ruler of the eighth circle of the Inferno, bestowing heinous and unspeakable tortures on those who have committed fraud. Demons are the stuff of legends, and they (...)
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    Euroscreen 2: Towards community policy on insurance, commercialization and public awareness.Ruth Chadwick, Henk ten Have, Rogeer Hoedemaekers, Jrgen Husted, Mairi Levitt, Tony McGleenan, Darren Shickle & Urban Wiesing - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (3):263-272.
    The project Euroscreen 2 has examined genetic screening and testing with particular reference to implications for insurance, commercialization through marketing of genetic tests direct to the public, and issues surrounding raising public awareness of these and other developments in genetics, including the practical experiment of a Gene Shop. This paper provides a snapshot of the three year project. The study groups work included monitoring developments in different European countries and exploring possibilities for regulation in insurance and commercialization together with (...)
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    GM animals - another GM crops?Ann Bruce - 2007 - Genomics, Society and Policy 3 (3):1-13.
    As new biotechnologies are developed, the parallels with GM crops are often drawn. In this paper, I consider GM animals and contrast them with GM crops. I use a systems of innovation perspective to consider innovation, product markets and regulatory systems and suggest that whilst there are some parallels between GM crops and animals there are also clear differences. There are differences in the techniques used, the availability of single genes useful for transfer and the acceptability of 'failures'. Existing animal (...)
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    Keep Calm and Carry On: Climate-ready Crops and the Genetic Codification of Climate Myopia.Diego Silva - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (5):1048-1075.
    The diverse ways that extreme climate events are expressed at the local level have represented a challenge for the development of transgenic “climate-ready” seeds. Based on the Argentinean “HB4” technology, this paper analyzes how ignorance and a sunflower gene are mobilized to overcome this difficulty in soy and wheat. HB4 seeds can be understood as myopic: the technology does not obstruct the capacity of soy and wheat plants to sense droughts, but it prevents their natural reaction, which would be (...)
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    From Economic Man to Economic System: Essays on Human Behavior and the Institutions of Capitalism.Harold Demsetz - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this book discuss human behavior and the institutions of capitalism. The essays are non-technical and are written so as to be accessible to students of all disciplines and to all other persons interested in capitalism and in economic behavior. They often present unconventional views of the topics they discuss. Those containing unconventional views discuss self-interested behavior, selfish gene theory, the meaning and social function of private ownership, the externality problem, the nature of the firm and the (...)
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    L'expansion du capitalisme dans le domaine du vivant : droits de propriété intellectuelle et marchés de la science, de la matière biologique et de la santé.Maurice Cassier - 2003 - Actuel Marx 34 (2):63-80.
    Capitalism’s Expansion into the Realm of the Biosphere. The extension of the rule of industrial property over living organisms and their components – genes and cells, both human and non-human – since the end of the 1970s, has gone along with the emergence of new markets in science, biotechnology and in health. The article argues that the filing of patents to protect private claims on living matter is a development which promotes the establishment of a monopoly control over inventions in (...)
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