I should first of all like to greet His Excellency Msgr Josip Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb, His Excellency Msgr Giulio Einaudi, Apostolic Nuncio in Croatia, Their Lordships the Bishops, the authorities both civil and academic, the teaching and non-teaching staff, the students, my fellow Jesuits, and all the colleagues and friends present at this solemn opening of the new Chair in the Faculty of Philosophy and of Theological Study of the Society of Jesus at Zagreb. I thank heartily all those who have in any way helped to bring this project to completion. I hope that it will enable us to render a valuable service to the Church in Croatia and to the culture of the Croatian people, a service that the Society of Jesus has held dear from its very beginning, striving to contribute, through its intellectual endeavours, to the understanding of the work of creation.