Results for 'Soho Machida'

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  1.  44
    The Holy Spirit through a Buddhist Lens.Soho Machida - 1996 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 16:87.
  2.  30
    Jesus, Man of Sin: Toward a New Christology in the Global Era.Soho Machida - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):81-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Jesus, Man of Sin: Toward a New Christology in the Global EraSoho MachidaSin as the Common GroundThe blasphemous title of this article is likely to outrage more than a few devout Christians. I am aware that most Christians view Jesus as the most immaculate and beautiful person who ever lived. As a Buddhist scholar and practitioner, however, I cannot extinguish a long-held question from my mind. Was Jesus really (...)
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    Review of: Machida Soho, Renegade Monk: Honen and Japanese Pure Land Buddhism. [REVIEW]Christoph Kleine - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 27 (1-2):125-129.
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    Electrophysiological Correlates of Response Time Variability During a Sustained Attention Task.Keitaro Machida, Michael Murias & Katherine A. Johnson - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Gendai kagaku to busshitsu gainen: taishōsei to jiritsusei no benshōhō.Shigeru Machida - 1983 - Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten. Edited by Yoshishige Ario.
  6. Hōgaku: seido to shisō no rekishi o chūshin to shite.Sanehide Machida - 1956 - Tōkyō: Yūshindō.
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  7. Shin Kan shisōshi no kenkyū.Saburō Machida - 1985 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
  8. Hōgaku gairon.Sanehide Machida - 1954 - Tōkyō: Yūshindō.
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    Shisō no shintai.Sōhō Machida & Noriyuki Ueda (eds.) - 2006 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
  10. Quantum Mechanics of the Composite System and Its Subsystems.Shigeru Machida & Akio Motoyoshi - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (1):45-57.
    We revisit the EPR problem and make clear what is a correct comprehension of its problem. When one applies the quantum mechanics correctly, it will be shown that there is no paradox. According to these lines of thought, a quantum teleportation scheme without resort to the von Neumann projection postulate is presented.
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  11. Zhu Shunshui yu Riben wen hua.Saburō Machida & Fu'en Pan (eds.) - 2003 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Priority inheritance with backtracking for iterative multi-agent path finding.Keisuke Okumura, Manao Machida, Xavier Défago & Yasumasa Tamura - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 310 (C):103752.
  13. I foreword rackham, David W. I.Akira Tachikawa, Kenichi Machida, Laurence Macdonald, Fumie Kojima & Shigeo Kawazu - 2005 - Educational Studies 1010 (47-48):91.
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    Development of a single-crystal X-ray diffraction system for hydrostatic-pressure and low-temperature structural measurement and its application to the phase study of quasicrystals.T. Watanuki, A. Machida, T. Ikeda, A. Ohmura, H. Kaneko, K. Aoki, T. J. Sato & A. P. Tsai - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (18-21):2905-2911.
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  15. Zhong Ri wen hua jiao liu di wei da shi zhe: Zhu Shunshui yan jiu.Liwen Zhang, Saburō Machida & Fengquan Li (eds.) - 1998 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  16. Simplified and Higher Degree-of-freedom Correction Method of Spatially Inhomogeneous Noise on Parallel MR Images obtained with Surface Array Coils.T. Kimura & Y. Machida - unknown - Ratio 1000 (S E).
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    Lateral–Medial Dissociation in Orbitofrontal Cortex–Hypothalamus Connectivity.Satoshi Hirose, Takahiro Osada, Akitoshi Ogawa, Masaki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Wada, Yasunori Yoshizawa, Yoshio Imai, Toru Machida, Masaaki Akahane, Ichiro Shirouzu & Seiki Konishi - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  18.  16
    Water and Meadow Views Both Afford Perceived but Not Performance-Based Attention Restoration: Results From Two Experimental Studies.Katherine A. Johnson, Annabelle Pontvianne, Vi Ly, Rui Jin, Jonathan Haris Januar, Keitaro Machida, Leisa D. Sargent, Kate E. Lee, Nicholas S. G. Williams & Kathryn J. H. Williams - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Attention Restoration Theory proposes that exposure to natural environments helps to restore attention. For sustained attention—the ongoing application of focus to a task, the effect appears to be modest, and the underlying mechanisms of attention restoration remain unclear. Exposure to nature may improve attention performance through many means: modulation of alertness and one’s connection to nature were investigated here, in two separate studies. In both studies, participants performed the Sustained Attention to Response Task before and immediately after viewing a meadow, (...)
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    The Soho symposium.Julian Baggini - 2005 - The Philosophers' Magazine 29:38-44.
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    Comment on Machida-Namiki-Araki Theory.M. M. Yanase - 1982 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 6 (2):83-89.
  21.  7
    Robe and ring: [the philosophy of the magical art, the ethics of Western occultism].Melita Denning - 1974 - Saint Paul: Llewellyn Publications. Edited by Osborne Phillips.
    Over the past two decades, William Kentridge has consolidated a worldwide reputation as an artist of great verve and scope. He is arguably most widely known for his series of 10 animated films drawn over a period of 22 years, and set in his home city of Johannesburg. Originally conceived as a distraction, something to fill the gaps between exhibitions, the films have magnificently exceeded their brief, establishing instead one of the great characters in contemporary fiction: Soho EcksteinHighveld mining (...)
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    Origins of the Royal Institution.Thomas Martin - 1962 - British Journal for the History of Science 1 (1):49-63.
    The paper is an attempt to set the social and historical background against which the Royal Institution was founded, and to trace the events in its very early history. The founder of the Institution was Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, that soldier of fortune who took service with the Elector Palatine of Bavaria, and it was in the course of his duties in Munich that his interest in the practical problems of philanthropy was aroused.In London, in the concluding years of the (...)
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  23.  43
    An East Asian Perspective of Mind-Body.S. Nagatomo & G. Leisman - 1996 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21 (4):439-466.
    This paper addresses a need to re-examine the mind-body dualism established since Descartes. Descartes' dualism has been regarded by modern philosophers as an extremely insufficient solution to the problem of mind and body, from which is derived a long opposition in modern epistomology between idealism and empiricism. This dualism, bifurcating the region of spirit and matter, and the dichotomous models of thinking based on this dualism, have long dominated the world of modern philosophy and science. The paper examines states of (...)
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  24.  25
    Introduction.F. S. Naiden & Richard Talbert - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (2):167-178.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionF. S. [email protected] and Richard [email protected] state that there are no sound bites or video clips from classical antiquity is to repeat the obvious. But it is a surprise perhaps to realize how seldom we can recall our field’s most influential scholars even of the very recent past through such now commonplace media. Moreover, the chance to view and hear personal reflections articulated by any such figures about their (...)
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  25.  13
    Look Who's Stalking.Ethan Smith - unknown
    n a 25-year career as a successful public intellectual, Stephen Jay Gould has accrued nearly all the trappings of celebrity: a new loft in SoHo, tenure at Harvard, a gig at NYU, book sales totaling in the millions (his twentieth title, The Lying Stones of Marrak ech, comes out next month), not to mention a schedule that takes him to London, Paris, or L.A. almost weekly. Not bad for a college professor. But recently, he's picked up one of the (...)
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    Measurement theory in the Lax-Phillips formalism.S. Tasaki, E. Eisenberg & L. P. Horwitz - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (8):1179-1194.
    It is shown that the application of the Lax-Phillips scattering theory to quantum mechanics provides a natural framework for the realization of the ideas of the “Many-Hilbert-Space” theory of Machida and Namiki to describe the development of decoherence in the process of measurement. We show that if the quantum mechanical evolution is pointwise in time, then decoherence occurs only if the Hamiltonian is time-dependent. If the evolution is not pointwise in time (as in Liouville space), then the decoherence may (...)
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  27.  11
    The pocket samurai.William Scott Wilson & Tsunetomo Yamamoto (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: Shambhala.
    Selected writings from the most influential texts of the samurai era—in a pocket-size edition. The samurai of Japan, who were the country's military elite from medieval times to the end of the nineteenth century, were synonmous with valor, honor, and martial arts prowess. Their strict adherence to the code of bushido ("the way of the warrior"), chivalry, and honor in fighting to the death continues to capture the imagination of people today, inspiring authors, filmmakers, and artists. The Pocket Samurai contains (...)
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  28. Fukada Yasukazu: “Un essai sur La Danseuse de Degas”.Jean-Michel Abrassart & Takako Omata - 2016 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 1:247-254.
    Original title : 「ドガの『舞姫』」『深田康算全集』[Œuvres complètes de Fukada Yasukazu]. Machida, Tamagawa Daigaku Shuppanbu, 1972–1973, 3 : 9–15.
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  29.  51
    Many-Hilbert-spaces theory of quantum measurements.Mikio Namiki - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (1):29-55.
    The many-Hilbert-spaces theory of quantum measurements, which was originally proposed by S. Machida and the present author, is reviewed and developed. Dividing a typical quantum measurement in two successive steps, the first being responsible for spectral decomposition and the second for detection, we point out that the wave packet reduction by measurement takes place at the latter step, through interaction of an object system with one of the local systems of detectors. First we discuss the physics of the detection (...)
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    Aesthetics across cultures: intertextuality, intermediality and interculturality.Rosy Singh (ed.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book critically analyses the "mutual illuminations" between literature, religion, architecture, films, performative arts, paintings, woodworks, memes and masks cutting across time and space. In architecture for example, the eventual success of a project depends on the harmony between physical sciences and aesthetics, design and planning, knowledge of building material, the local climate, and awareness of cultural sensibilities. This volume affirms that aesthetics and arts are deeply linked through existential issues of who I am. The essays in this volume present (...)
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  31.  22
    (1 other version)Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West. [REVIEW]Larry Stewart - 2002 - Isis 93:304-305.
    For those in the so‐called G‐7, G‐8, or G‐20, searching for the formula for economic takeoff, this is a book that deserves a reckoning. It explores the “role of culture,” which hitherto has had “no place in traditional economic explanations” of the history of industrial achievement. It is in the cultural and epistemological transformation of the eighteenth century that Margaret Jacob finds the foundation of industrial revolution. Jacob thereby dismisses the myth of the accidental genius or the inspired semiliterate backyard (...)
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