Sodobnost: filozofsko vprašanje ali vprašanje filozofije Philosophical Question or the Question of Philosophy
Eden od osnovnih vzgibov razvitja filozofije v 20.stoletju je bil nedvomno poskus hermenevtične utemeljitve Geisteswissenschaften pri Wilhelmu Diltheyu, ki se je pri Heideggru zaokrenil v smer hermenevtičnega zasnovanja filozofije same in naposled doprinesel k uvidu, da znotraj filozofije ni več kaj začenjati, ter da je pristni kraj mišljenja treba določiti onkraj filozofije. Vendar pa se mišljenje, ki stopa čez filozofijjo v hkratnem sestopanju pod njo, nahaja na poti vmes, v neki vmesnosti, ki zase terja svoje razumevanje. Tako razumevanje predvsem zaznamuje »ukvarjanje s hermenevtiko«, ki se je v prejšnjem stoletju vsekakor pomenljivo preobrazila v filozofsko hermenevtiko. Kaj zaobsega ta oznaka izvemo šele, ko sežemo do tistega, kar naj bi bilo v njemu dosegu: sodobnost kot godišče filozofske hermenevtike.One of the basic incentives of the development of philosophy in the 20th century was undoubtedly the attempt at hermeneutic grounding of Geisteswissenschaften in Wilhelm Dilthey, which, in Heidegger, took the course of hermeneutic formation of philosophy itself and eventually led to the insight that there is nothing to begin with within philosophy and that the genuine place of thinking should be determined from without philosophy. However, thinking which transcends philosophy and descends under it at the same time finds itself on the way in between, in a certain midst, which calls for an understanding proper only to itself. Such understanding primarily determines “dealing with hermeneutics”, which in the previous century tellingly transformed into philosophical hermeneutics. What this designation actually embraces can only be realized after we have reached that which was in its grasp: contemporaneity as the going-on of philosophical hermeneutics.