Let HA be Heyting's arithmetic, and let CS denote the conjunction of Kreisel's axioms for the creative subject: \begin{eqnarray*} {\rm CS}_1.&&\quad \,\forall\, x (\qed_x A \vee \; \neg \qed_x A)\; ,\nn {\rm CS}_2. &&\quad \,\forall\, x (\qed_x A\to A)\; ,\nn {\rm CS}_3^{\rm S}. &&\quad A\to\,\exists\, x \qed_x A\; ,\nn {\rm CS}_4.&&\quad \,\forall\, x\,\forall\, y (\qed_x A & y \ge x\to\qed_y A)\; .\nn \end{eqnarray*} It is shown that the theory HA + CS with the induction schema restricted to arithmetical (i.e. not containing $\qed$ ) formulas is conservative over HA