Results for 'Raffaele Marcovecchio'

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  1.  5
    Le Frontiere dell'educazione: scritti in onore di Raffaele Laporta.Raffaele Laporta (ed.) - 1992 - Scandicci, Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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    Disobedience in Western political thought: a genealogy.Raffaele Laudani - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The global age is distinguished by disobedience, from the protests in Tiananmen Square to the fall of the Berlin Wall, to the anti-G8 and anti-WTO demonstrations. In this book, Raffaele Laudani offers a systematic review of how disobedience has been conceptualized, supported, and criticized throughout history. Laudani documents the appearance of "disobedience" in the political lexicon from ancient times to the present, and explains the word's manifestations, showing how its semantic wealth transcended its liberal interpretations in the 1960s and (...)
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    II. Abteilung.Raffaele Guerra, Klaus-Peter Matschke, Michael Altripp, Adrian Pirtea, Beatrice Daskas, Floris Bernard, Svetlana Tomin & Andreas Gkoutzioukostas - 2016 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 109 (1):223-282.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 109 Heft: 1 Seiten: 223-282.
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    In vista del logos.Raffaele Perrotta - 1984 - Salerno: Ripostes.
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    A conceptual framework for the neurobiological study of resilience.Raffael Kalisch, Marianne B. Müller & Oliver Tüscher - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e92.
    The well-replicated observation that many people maintain mental health despite exposure to severe psychological or physical adversity has ignited interest in the mechanisms that protect against stress-related mental illness. Focusing on resilience rather than pathophysiology in many ways represents a paradigm shift in clinical-psychological and psychiatric research that has great potential for the development of new prevention and treatment strategies. More recently, research into resilience also arrived in the neurobiological community, posing nontrivial questions about ecological validity and translatability. Drawing on (...)
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  6. Dell'inesistenza.Raffaele di Gennaro - 1950 - Portici,: Stab. tip. Ves. E. della Torre.
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    Tartaglia’s Science of Weights and Mechanics in the Sixteenth Century Selections from Quesiti et inventioni diverse: Books VII–VIII.Pisano Raffaele & Capecchi Danilo - 2015 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This book presents a historical and scientific analysis as historical epistemology of the science of weights and mechanics in the sixteenth century, particularly as developed by Tartaglia in his Quesiti et inventioni diverse, Book VII and Book VIII (1546; 1554). -/- In the early 16th century mechanics was concerned mainly with what is now called statics and was referred to as the Scientia de ponderibus, generally pursued by two very different approaches. The first was usually referred to as Aristotelian, where (...)
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  8. Per l'edizione critica dei "Ricordi" del Guicciardini.Raffaele Spongano - 1948 - Firenze,: G.C. Sansoni.
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  9. Graham Greene ad Anacapri.Raffaele Vacca - 2000 - Studium 96 (6):1061-1069.
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  10. Ibsen nel centenario della morte.Raffaele Vacca - 2006 - Studium 102 (4):619-622.
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    La presunta controversia tra Pascasio e Ratramno in epoca carolingia: alle origini della razionalizzazione della dottrina eucaristica.Raffaele Alberto Ventura - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:45-68.
    L’articolo si concentra su uno snodo centrale nella lunga crisi che tocca la dottrina eucaristica nel Medioevo, ovvero sulla presunta controversia tra Pascasio Radberto e Ratramno di Corbie nel IX secolo a proposito della presenza di Cristo nel sacramento, in figura oppure in verità. Partendo dalla constatazione che le visioni dei due monaci non sono contrapposte, come si è creduto a partire dal X-XI secolo, intendiamo innanzitutto mostrare che i loro sono tentativi complementari di ritradurre entro categorie chiare e univoche (...)
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    Utpaladeva’s Lost Vivṛti on the Īśvarapratyabhijñā-kārikā.Raffaele Torella - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (1):115-126.
    The recent discovery of a fragmentary manuscript of Utpaladeva’s long commentary (Vivṛti or Ṭīkā) on his own Īśvarapratyabhijñā-kārikā (ĪPK) and Vṛtti enables us to assess the role of this work as the real centre of gravity of the Pratyabhijñā philosophy as a whole, though the later Śaiva tradition chose instead Abhinavagupta’s Vimarśinī as the standard text. This brilliant, and more compact and accessible, text was copied and copied again during the centuries and became popular in south India too, where a (...)
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  13. Personal Identity Online.Raffaele Rodogno - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (3):309-328.
    Philosophers concerned with the question of personal identity have typically been asking the so-called re-identification question: what are the conditions under which a person at one point in time is properly re-identified at another point in time? This is a rather technical question. In our everyday interactions, however, we do raise a number of personal identity questions that are quite distinct from it. In order to explore the variety of ways in which the Internet may affect personal identity, I propose (...)
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    The aesthetics of grace: philosophy, art, and nature.Raffaele Milani - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang.
    In The Aesthetics of Grace: Philosophy, Art, and Nature, Raffaele Milani traces the fascinating history of the idea of 'grace' from ancient times to the 1700s. Although this term has been displaced by other concepts with the advent of modernism and postmodernism, the complex ideas related to the notion of 'grace' remain an important aesthetic category, and Milani presents an impressive panorama of reflections on and interpretations of the subject. The subtitle of the work indicates the broad scope of (...)
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    Pratyabhijñā and Philology.Raffaele Torella - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (4):705.
    A somewhat problematic book has recently been devoted to one of the most fascinating works of Kashmirian Śaiva Advaita: the Śivadṛṣṭi by Somānanda. This furnishes the occasion for broader reflection on the role of philology in dealing with the complex texts of the Pratyabhijñā tradition.
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  16. I concetti di "stato" e di "ordine": Spunti per una riflessione teoretica fra Pascal e Comte.Raffaele Beretta Piccoli - 2011 - Filosofia Oggi 34 (135):341-352.
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    Idee per il governo: l'università.Raffaele Simone & Riccardo Chiaberge - 1995 - Roma: Laterza. Edited by Riccardo Chiaberge.
  18. Anton Čechov (1860-1904). Nostalgia di una natura incontaminata.Raffaele Vacca - 2004 - Studium 100 (3):429-438.
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  19. Corrado Alvaro, giornalista e scrittore.Raffaele Vacca - 2006 - Studium 102 (6):909-914.
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  20. Sulle conversazioni di Goethe.Raffaele Vacca - 2009 - Studium 105 (2):235-238.
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    Influence of National Institutions on the Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Food-processing Industry: Differences Between France and Morocco.Raffaele Staglianò, Magalie Marais, Issam Laguir & Jamal Baz - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (1):117-133.
    This paper analyzes how national institutions impact corporate social responsibility practices for small- and medium-sized enterprises in the food-processing industries of France and Morocco. In this study, CSR practices are defined around two main dimensions: corporate performance and the CSR approach. Qualitative data were collected during semi-structured interviews with SME managers in charge of CSR issues. We then performed a content analysis. Our study shows that there is a distinct difference between the CSR practices adopted by SMEs in France and (...)
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    Advancing empirical resilience research.Raffael Kalisch, Marianne B. Müller & Oliver Tüscher - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e128.
    We are delighted by the broad, intense, and fruitful discussion in reaction to our target article. A major point we take from the many comments is a prevailing feeling in the research community that we need significantly and urgently to advance resilience research, both by sharpening concepts and theories and by conducting empirical studies at a much larger scale and with a much more extended and sophisticated methodological arsenal than is the case currently. This advancement can be achieved only in (...)
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  23.  44
    The Old ‘New’ Dignitarianism.Raffael N. Fasel - 2019 - Res Publica 25 (4):531-552.
    Developments in fields as diverse as biotechnology, animal cognition, and computer science have cast serious doubt on the common belief that human beings are unique and that only they should have dignity and basic rights. A movement referred to as ‘new dignitarianism’ has recently reclaimed human dignity to fend off the threats to human uniqueness that it perceives to arise from these developments. This ‘new’ dignitarianism, however, is not new at all. Drawing on a debate between two Enlightenment philosophers, this (...)
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  24. La „Critica della ragion pura“ nell'Aetas Kantiana.Raffaele Ciafardone & Norbert Hinske - 1989 - Studia Leibnitiana 21 (2):213-214.
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  25. La repubblica del dissenso.Raffaele Gambino - 1977 - Milano: Italia letteraria.
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    Etica ed estetica dell’abitare. Paesaggio globale e territori urbani.Raffaele Milani - 2015 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 27 (53).
    La città, risultato della storia, della cultura e della civiltà, si presenta a noi, a un primo impatto, come un’esaltazione dell’edificare in un gioco delle forme e dei volumi, o come una glorificazione dell’architettura; in un secondo momento viene percepita anche come un segno delle comunità e dell’appartenenza di cui le forme sono il riflesso. Si profila, a ben ragionare sul suo significato, dall’antichità alla modernità, un composito fare umano, il disegno straordinario dell’azione collettiva e dei singoli, l’effetto di un’arte (...)
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    Education for democratic citizenship: the school which build bridges of humanity.Raffaele Beretta Piccoli - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (60):141-144.
    The article proposes two anthropological movements as guidelines for an education in democratic citizenship more capable of overcoming reductionisms and trivializations: a return to oneself, suggested by Hannah Arendt and a movement towards others, suggested by Edgar Morin. The text also takes the opportunity to formulate a reflection on the relevance of the global educational challenge of compulsory schooling for the construction of a more sensitive and open humanity.
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    Machines, Machineries and Perpetual Motion: Historical and Epistemological Reflections on the Culture of Machines around the Renaissance.Raffaele Pisano & Paolo Bussotti - 2015 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae s Cientiarum 3 (1):69-87.
    This paper is the second part of our recent paper ‘Historical and Epistemological Reflections on the Culture of machines around the renaissance: How s cience and t echnique Work’ (Pisano & Bussotti 2014a). In the first paper—which discussed some aspects of the relations between science and technology from Antiquity to the Renaissance—we highlighted the differences between the Aristotelian/Euclidean tradition and the Archimedean tradition. We also pointed out the way in which the two traditions were perceived around the r enaissance. t (...)
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    Gli scritti rosminiani: a cura di Raffaele Centi.Emilio Chiocchetti & Raffaele Centi - 1990 - Rovereto: Longo.
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  30. Rüdiger e Vico.Raffaele Ciafardone - 1980 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 10:167-178.
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  31. I primi due volumi Della nuova edizione Del carteggio di Antonio labriola1.Raffaele Colapietra - 2002 - Studi Filosofici 25:385.
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  32. Stile e scienza nei discepoli di Galileo.Raffaele Colapietra - 1955 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23:533-556.
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    Umanesimo ed esistenzialismo di Miguel de Unamuno.Raffaele Schneider Graziosi - 1965 - Milano,: Gastaldi.
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    La wilāyat al-faqih después de la Revolución. El vali-ye faqih en la Constitución y el nezām de la República islámica de Irán.Raffaele Mauriello - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    El presente ensayo trata la doctrina teológico-jurídica de la wilāyat al-faqih, expresión que puede traducirse con ‘tutela del jurisperito islámico’ –y, en la rendición de la doctrina por parte del gran ayatola Jomeiní, hasta con ‘gobierno del jurisperito islámico’– y su desarrollo e institucionalización en la República islámica de Irán después de la Revolución de 1979. En este marco, el ensayo analiza la función del vali-ye faqih, el jurisperito islámico encargado del gobierno de la R.I. de Irán, en la Constitución (...)
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    La volgar tradizione: prove di critica testuale in Giambattista Vico.Raffaele Ruggiero - 2001 - Lecce: Pensa Multimedia.
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    Abhinavagupta’s Attitude towards Yoga.Raffaele Torella - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (3):647.
    A major characteristic of the aristocratic attitude—and I would not know how to better define the flavor that pervades the whole of Abhinavagupta’s work—is the downgrading of all painful effort, seen as a plebeian feature. The aristocrat intends to show that what inferior people can achieve only at the cost of long and painful exercises is accessible to him promptly and very easily. One of the recurring qualifications for Abhinavagupta’s attitude to the spiritual path is precisely absence of effort, absence (...)
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    Utpaladeva, philosopher of recognition.Raffaele Torella & Bettina Bäumer (eds.) - 2016 - New Delhi: DK Printworld.
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    La forma dell'universo.Raffaele Vitolo - 2006 - Idee 61:53-59.
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  39. Shame and Guilt in Restorative Justice.Raffaele Rodogno - 2008 - Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 14 (2):142-176.
    In this article, I examine the relevance and desirability of shame and guilt to restorative justice conferences. I argue that a careful study of the psychology of shame and guilt reveals that both emotions possess traits that can be desirable and traits that can be undesirable for restoration. More in particular, having presented the aims of restorative justice, the importance of face-to-face conferences in reaching these aims, the emotional dynamics that take place within such conferences, and the relevant parts of (...)
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    Oggetti e metodo: spunti di dibattito tra filosofia e scienza.Raffaele Cirino & Alfredo Givigliano (eds.) - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Libertà.Raffaele Maiolini - 2015 - Assisi: Cittadella editrice.
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    La religione civile come nucleo di senso della dignità umana.Raffaele Maione - 2017 - [Padova]: CEDAM.
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  43.  10
    Il software del linguaggio.Raffaele Simone - 2020 - Milano: Raffaello Cortina editore.
  44.  10
    L’institution imaginaire du capitalisme. La philosophie de l’économie de Cornélius Castoriadis.Raffaele Alberto Ventura - 2024 - Cités 99 (3):31-44.
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    “Devī uvāca”, or the Theology of the Perfect Tense.Raffaele Torella - 1999 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 27 (1-2):129-138.
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    Think Miss Piggy, not Pinocchio: debunking the myth of ‘autonomous’ AI.Raffaele Ciriello, Angelina Chen & Zara Rubinsztein - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
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    Formes de vie et dynamique historique chez Max Horkheimer.Raffaele Carbone - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie 85 (2):45-60.
    Résumé Cet article explore les significations de l’expression « formes de vie » chez Horkheimer et le rôle qu’elle joue dans son projet d’une Théorie critique de la société développée au cours des années 1930. Horkheimer considère les formes de vie comme des comportements et des habitudes qui se constituent dans le cadre de rapports de production spécifiques. Mais il utilise « forme de vie » également pour désigner la culture et ses domaines propres qui, imbriqués les uns dans les (...)
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    Dal" facere" al" factum". Sui rapporti tra Vico e il suo tempo, con una replica a G. Giarrizzo e F. Bologna.Raffaele Ajello - 1982 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 12:343-360.
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  49. Per una edizione critica delle Epistole metriche del Petrarca.Raffaele Argenio - 1961 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 29:482-489.
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    Morte dell'uomo e fine del soggetto: indagine sulla filosofia di Michel Foucault.Raffaele Ariano - 2014 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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