Rehabilitation medicine, aka Physical medicine and Rehabilitation , is the medical specialty which focuses on optimizing function, ability, participation and life satisfaction in the light of noncurable disability and/or chronic disease. It is primarily geared towards the “so what” than towards “what” . PM & R is holistic and patient-centred, thus comprising a well-suited arena for dialogue and patient participation. Many patients experience a severe crisis reaction in the aftermath of major trauma or disease. This “existential rupture” calls for a fundamental revaluation of many aspects of daily life. Crisis management will not merely be a matter of mourning and then back to “business as usual,” as this often is either not possible or not the optimal choice given altered life circumstances. We propose that philosophical practice may be an important addition to the rehabilitation process, by facilitating “lifeworld analyses” and thereby making it possible for the patient to find sources of meaning in life despite disability. This “therapy for the sane” comprises PP rather than psychiatric or psychotherapeutic interventions, and may come to be seen as a key aspect in the training of future physiatrists and other rehabilitation specialists