This paper deals with the notion of virtual memory in Bergson?s philosophy, with special regard to the question of the independence of memory and the complex intertwining of spiritual recollections with perception. Attention is devoted to the Bergsonian analysis of the actualization of virtual contents. The author also confronts the Bergsonian notion of unconscious with that of Freud?s. It seems that the notion of virtual memory is relevant not only from a psychological or an epistemological perspective, but it has also some consequences with regard to practical philosophy. An excursus is devoted to the Deleuzien interpretation of virtuality. At the end of the paper the author discusses the immanent tensions within the Bergsonian concept of virtual memory from the aspect of temporal verticality, the impossible localization of virtuality and freedom. Clanak se bavi pojmom virtuelne memorije u Bergsonovoj filozofiji, sa posebnim osvrtom na pitanje o samostalnosti secanja i na slozeno ukrstanje duhovnih uspomena sa konkretnom percepcijom. Posebna paznja usmerena je na Bergsonovu analizu o aktuelizaciji virtuelnih sadrzaja. Autor takodje sprovodi konfrontaciju Bergsonovog pojma nesvesnog sa Frojdovim shvatanjem istog. Pokazuje se da pojam virtuelne memorije nije relevantan samo iz psiholoske ili epistemoloske perspektive, vec da on ima izvesne konsekvence i u pogledu prakticke filozofije. Delezovoj interpretaciji virtuelnog je posvecen poseban ekskurs. Na kraju se ukazuje na unutrasnje napetosti Bergsonovog shvatanja virtuelne memorije iz aspekta vremenske vertikalnosti i nemoguce lokalizacije virtuelnog, odnosno, slobode.