Philosophical Counseling of the Analects
Early society is to philosophy as the original consultative purposes, the philosopher is a professional counselor; human face to those problems, it will produce much of the philosophical theories provide answers to these questions. But before long? Philosophy in addressing the general problem of humanity, charm has always already gone, but replaced by other eleven subjects, psychology and counseling is in this context from philosophy to come out. However, in the more specialized social science, humankind is facing the problem more complicated, not by a single discipline to face this reason, these disciplines had to go back to look for a way to solve the problem fundamentally, philosophical counseling business that is in this trend, to solve the psychology and counseling can not face. The Analects of Confucius in the form of dialogue to emphasize its philosophical content, Jie Zhu Analects of Confucius to explore the philosophical counseling theories and methods, may be based in Western philosophy, philosophical counseling open up a new path, but also for domestic philosophy development to increase vitality. The Analects of Confucius philosophy can be summed up consultative following points: philosophical counselors must be a wisdom, benevolence, courage is both a "gentleman." Philosophical counseling goals also are able to be consultative not worry, perplexed and afraid. Philosophical counseling method is based on "intellectual counseling" based. Philosophical counseling process is the main short-term counseling. The main ideas of the Philosophical Counseling in the Analects can be summed up as follows: 1. A philosophical counselor has to be a wise, kind and courageous "gentleperson." 2. The goal of the philosophical counseling is to let the counselee not feel worried, fearful, and puzzled. 3. The method of the philosophical counseling is based on intellectual counseling. 4. The philosophical counseling is based on brief counseling