The famous definition of philosophy came from the Greeks words philo and Sophia, which means love of wisdom. It follows that to love wisdom means to understand the highest and first principles of everything. This was the reason of philosophy to be the mother of all knowledge before their disintegration from it. Due to this background, philosophy main task is to search for the truth, by using human reason. However, the empirical modern scientists claimed to continue this task by using empirical method, and abandoned reason. When knowledge transformed to empirical investigation, it became commodity like any other with its specific values. The world embraces the fact, which can only be verified empirically. This is why the author of this paper, has decided to bring into dialogue philosophy and modern empirical scientists to see how they can find the nexus to re-integrate the lost connection. As it has been argued that, critical and reflective mind is a catalyst for scientific and innovative technology. It is hence the aim of this paper to re-discover the position of philosophy as mother and queen of all sciences. Keywords: Philosophy, Empirical Science, Modern Science, Dialogue, Mother science, Rediscovery.