This paper analyses one of the main problems of our time in the world of Internet? cyber piracy. It is often said that it is illegal, since pirates who practice it violate certain domestic and international laws. When we ask for justification of this laws and their enforcement, philosophers and legalists usually apply to one of the two sorts of philosophical arguments - deontology and utilitarianism. The former think that piracy is immoral in itself, while the others argue it should be prevented, otherwise it will produce very bad consequences for society sooner or later, and thus diminish the overall happiness of the society. It will be shown, howe?ver, that both of these arguments, when closely considered, fail with their intention, and, if we decide to follow them, we actually arrive to the very opposite conclusion - piracy is justified. Rad analizira jedan od glavnih problema danasnjice u svetu interneta - sajberpirateriju. Cesto se za nju kaze da je ilegalna, jer pirati koji je praktikuju krse odredjene domace i medjunarodne zakone. Kada se postavi pitanje opravdanja tih zakona i njihove primene, filozofi i pravnici obicno se opredeljuju za jednu od dve vrste filozofskih argumenata - deontologiju ili utilitarizam. Prvi tvrde da je piraterija nemoralna sama po sebi, dok drugi smatraju da je treba spreciti jer ce, pre ili kasnije, proizvesti vrlo stetne posledice po drustvo, i time umanjiti ukupnu srecu drustva. Medjutim, pokazace se da nijedan od ovih argumenata, kada se poblize razmotre, ne uspeva u svojoj nameri, i da, ako odlucimo da ih sledimo, dolazimo zapravo do potpuno suprotnog zakljucka - piraterija je opravdana.