Cognition of the Saturated: Case of Face Phenomenon
Topos 3:55-63 (
The question of a «subject» appears in a new way in the context
of a «third type» of phenomenon, introduced explicitly by a
French philosopher Jean-Luc Marion. His idea of saturated phenomenon
opens a discussion about the possibility and way of cognition
with regard to the saturated phenomenon as well as the one
who manages to receive it – the givee. I chose to approach this
question through the aspect of cognition, since it is so radically
transformed in this perspective, which can be called as phenomenology
of givenness. First I shortly introduce the scene of action
by sketching the concept of the saturated phenomenon and its incompatibility
with the traditional concept of cognition (or knowledge).
Ken the problem of cognition in the context of saturated
phenomenon is addressed by a double analysis: that of the recipient
of such givenness and a particular case of the saturated phenomenon
– the face as icon. Ways in which the encounter with
the saturated phenomenon retains the right to be called cognition
are explicated, as well as the way in which it is incompatible with
conceptual knowledge. Ke role and status of the one who knows,
i. e. transformation from «subject» to the givee, is also discussed.