The main goal of this paper is the reaffirmation and emphasis of the radical, revolutionary aspect of Kierkegaard?s thought which has been mainly neglected in the standard literature on the Danish thinker. The author contends that there were two crises in Kierkegaard?s life: in 1838 and 1848. In 1838 Kierkegaard completely withdrew from the world and people into his?hidden inwardness?, which he claimed to be the essence of true Christianity. In 1848 he broke through his isolation and spoke openly of his new conviction. He stressed the practical and revolutionary character of Christianity, which demanded revolutionary change of the entire society and inner revolution in the individual personality in accordance with the authentic early Christian faith. Glavni cilj ovog rada je reafirmacija i naglasavanje radikalnog, revolucionarnog aspekta Kjerkegorove misli koji je bio uglavnom zanemaren u standardnoj literaturi o danskom misliocu. Autorka tvrdi da su u Kjerkegorovom zivotu postojale dve krize: 1838. i 1848. Godine 1838. Kjerkegor se potpuno povukao iz sveta i od ljudi u svoju?skrivenu unutrasnjost? za koju je tvrdio da je sustina istinskog hriscanstva. Godine 1848. on je razbio sopstvenu izolaciju i otvoreno progovorio o svom novom ubedjenju. Naglasio je prakticki i revolucionarni karakter hriscanstva koji je zahtevao revolucionarnu promenu citavog drustva i unutrasnju revoluciju u licnosti pojedinca u skladu sa autenticnom ranom hriscanskom verom.