In the article the author is following the development of Alfred Rosenberg?s social and political theory. Special attention is given to the anti-Christian attitude of the so-called "chief ideologist of Third Reich". Although one among the creators of the apocalyptic anti-Semitist ideology he opposed Nazi "Eastern politics" during the World War II. Instead of atrocities against the eastern peoples he was prepared to give them certain autonomy and to treat them as some kind of racially inferior allies. For him, only Jews deserved extermination and it was this ultimate goal he expected to shape not only German foreign policy but also war itself. U clanku autor prati razvoj socijalne i politicke teorije Alfreda Rosenberga Posebna paznja je posvecena antihriscanskom stavu takozvanog "glavnog ideologa Treceg rajha". Iako jedan od stvaralaca apokalipticne antisemitske ideologije, on je osporavao nacisticku "istocnu politiku" tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Umesto zverstava prema istocnim narodima, on je bio spreman da im da izvesnu autonomiju i da ih tretira kao svojevrsne rasno inferiorne saveznike. Za njega, samo su Jevreji zasluzivali istrebljenje i taj vrhovni cilj je po njegovom misljenju trebalo da oblikuje ne samo nemacku spoljnu politiku, nego i sam rat.