Memetic Science is the name of a new field that deals with the
quantitativeanalysis of cultural transfer.The units of cultural transfer are
entities called "memes". In a nutshell, memes are to cultural and mental
constructs as genesare to biological organisms. Examplesof memesare
ideas,tunes, fashions, and virtuallyany culturaland behavioral unit that
gets copiedwitha certaindegree of fidelity. It is arguedthat the under
standing of memes is of similar importance and consequence as the
understanding of processes involving DNA and RNA in molecular
biology.Thispaperpresentsa rigorousfoundation fordiscussion ofmemes
and approaches to quantifying relevantaspects of memegenesis, inter
action, mutation, growth,deathand spreadingprocesses. It is also argued
inthispaper that recombinant memetics is possible incomplete analogy
to recombinant DNA/ genetic engineering. Special attention is paid to
memes in written modern English.