Nairobi, Kenya: Action Publishers (
This book deals with the theme of Christian ministry from historical, systematic, biblical and practical theological perspectives. Its approach is descriptive analytical and constructive. It is provocative in its interpretation of the biblical texts discussed and challenging in the reflections of who may be admitted into the ordained ministry and how this ministry ought to be conducted. Biblical exegesis is utilized while keeping in mind that that the human element in biblical text is both substantial and determinative despite the presupposition that they are divinely inspired. Biblical texts have to be interpreted taking into account that the ordained ministry is for, and is carried out by fallen justified individuals, preparing and assisting human beings to live in a better way in this life and to be accepted by their Savior in the Kingdom of God. It is hoped that readers of this book will not only enjoy it but they will participate in the discussions it has initiated for the good of the ministry in African Christianity. All those who care for the One Holy Catholic Church are duty-bound to contribute in thought, words and deeds towards sound, workable, acceptable and effective teachings and norms on the various forms of Church Ministry.