The Altruism of Mysticism
Dissertation, University of Missouri - Columbia (
The purpose of this study is to form a suggestive hypothesis for mystical altruism, namely that form of altruism which has its basis in mystical experience. The work first investigates the argument between the ontological perennialists and the mystical relativists concerning the existence of a common core of mystical experience. Acknowledging the contributions of both viewpoints, a cross-cultural ubiquitous ground for mystical experience and practice is defended while admitting the various experiences, interpretations, and manifestations of the world's numerous mystical traditions. ;An inductive approach is utilized to demonstrate that there are enough philosophical expressions, reports of experiences, and moral practices which are significantly and sufficiently similar across the various traditions to warrant the term mystical altruism which is understood to be grounded in a ubiquitous Reality. The study clarifies the role of the cross-cultural mystical altruist model by examining eleven mystical altruists, including seven from the twentieth century who had academic philosophical training. ;A general theory of mystical altruism is set forth: first, by examining the similar pre-mystical experience ethical concepts and behavior and the similar post-mystical experience moral concepts and behavior of mystics in various traditions; secondly, by proposing a cross-cultural developmental psychology for mystical altruism; and finally, by offering a holistic metaphysics of Spirit and be-com-ing which is grounded in the Ultimate One. The conclusion of this study claims that mystical altruism, in its various forms, is the supreme incarnation of Reality for human beings on this earth