I systematize thoughts within the scope of Józef Bańka’s philosophical system known as recentivism. I analyze the axiology of recentivism in two categories: recens and pure-mindedness. Also, I differentiate among pure-mindedness, which is a quality of homo euthyphronicus, simplicity, which is a quality of homo simplex, and complexity, which is a quality of homo technicus. Moreover, I present different meanings of pure-mindedness which form the basis for reflection in the axiology of recentivism, i.e., the ethics of pure-mindedness, euthyphronics, and esthetics. Then, I use these meanings of pure-mindedness to define the attitude of homo euthyphronicus. Homo euthyphronicus is a man who seeks balance between simplicity and complexity in the modern world, which is highly complex and full of civilization-related threats, while stressing the importance of axiological values.