The study investigated the influence of the library management system in managing library information resources by librarians in Ekiti state tertiary institutions. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The sample for the study comprised 80 librarians who were randomly selected through simple random sampling. Purpose of Library Management System (PLIS) and Challenges of Library Management System (CLMS) were the two instruments used to collect relevant data for the study. The research questions raised were answered using mean and standard deviation. Means scores cut off point of 2.50 and above was accepted. The findings from the study indicated that librarians used library management systems for various purposes with weighted average (3.57). The findings also revealed that librarians encountered challenges in using library management systems such as poor maintenance culture, low level of computer literacy amongst staff, erratic/poor power supply and lack of commitment by institutional management with weighted average (2.53). Based on the above finding, the researchers recommended that librarians should update their ICT skills to make use of the library management system for their effective service delivery. Also the bandwidth for Internet connectivity should be increased to improve the speed of using library management systems by librarians and users. At the same time, the management should employ and provide all necessary facilities that will stop network failure in order to make librarians enjoy the benefits of using the library management system for effective service delivery.