The primary objective of this study is to ascertain the level of expertise held by university library staff members working in Rivers State University libraries with regard to digital technology. This investigation was founded on a series of research questions as well as three hypotheses that were proposed to explain the data. Because the population of the study consisted of 32 librarians working at RSU and IAUE, the researchers compiled their findings through the use of a correlational survey design and a census sampling technique. The reliability of the questionnaire was demonstrated using Cronbach's alpha, which indicated a value of 0.75 for the ability to assess digital literacy and a value of 0.82 for the ability to assess work performance. For the purpose of testing the hypotheses at the 0.05 level of significance, the product-moment correlation coefficient developed by Pearson was utilized. According to the findings of certain researchers, librarians who had higher levels of digital literacy also performed better in their employment. If every librarian in the profession has access to it, then not only will their productivity at work increase, but they will also see an increase in the number of consumers they serve. The study's findings prompted the researchers to suggest that management provide incentives and support to librarians so that the latter can acquire these skills; that library staff in Rivers State universities should continue to leverage digital communication tools for effective job performance and routinely use email and share information using ICT; and that library staff in Rivers State universities should improve on the use of digital creativity. To achieve this goal, we must improve our capacity to disseminate knowledge through the use of technology and data in a continuous cycle.