The Bible as 'Poem'. Reconnoitering Ricoeur: From Symbol to Metaphor to Narrative, the Poetic Function of Religious Language in the Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur
Dissertation, Westminster Theological Seminary (
This dissertation focuses on the central problematic of religious discourse and theological method in light of the metaphorical construal of religious language by Ricoeur. However, the dissertation takes issue with Ricoeur's imposition of a poetic construal of religious language and its consequent methodology in theological reflection, with particular consideration to evolve a theological methodology which maintains a 'indirect' yet truly cognitive approach to religious language and discourse. ;In the first chapter an overview of the contemporary theological scene is presented, with particular consideration given to the impact of Immanuel Kant. In the second chapter, the contemporary theological scene is considered in light of what is characterized as a 'linguistic turn' in contemporary scholarship. We consider the implications of metaphor and narrative construals of theology and language in light of their implications for theology. Of particular concern is the nature of truth in either a metaphorical or narrative theology. In the next chapter we begin our analysis of Ricoeur through his reflections on the need for a text based approach to the questions of 'being', particularly in light of Heidegger's ontology. In the next chapter, Ricoeur's theory of discourse is examined in light of his attempt to overcome a sterile structuralism. We reflect on Ricoeur's interactions with Propp, Greimas, Levi-Strauss, and Gadamer. In the next chapter we analyze Ricoeur's theory of metaphor and narrative with particular concern for his definition of 'truth' and 'reference'. In the chapter which follows we look at the specific application of Ricoeur's theory of religious discourse and 'revelation' in light of his work on the parables. We conclude this chapter with a look at the implications Ricoeur's theory of language has on theological concepts. In the final chapter we offer specific criticisms of Ricoeur's theory of discourse and meaning, metaphor and truth, and narrative and reference. At this point a suggestion is made for what is considered a more biblically oriented approach to theological reflection and linguistic analysis of scripture. An attempt is made to offer a paradigm of discourse and theology which does not necessitate a metaphorical-poetical construal of religious language