The current political process at any country is closely connected with the process and mechanism of political decision-making, and also the person who takes these decisions. The process of globalization that began in the end of second millennium, its actualization, direction and even its existence is also directly associated with accepted top-level political decisions of the country. This article is devoted to globalization and understanding of such categories as decisions. We considering two circulated points of view regarding the role of decisions in the system of political management and in the system of public administration and public policy. Characterizing the policymaking process. Miscellaneous government entities usually have not the same vision of political problems, political goals are formed, usually in the form of alternatives that provide several options how to achieve the required result, as given specific recommendations for the formulation and consideration of alternatives. Giving the analysis of western experts in management, reviews the main actors who make political decisions. Disclosing features of political leader thinking through the styles of management. Characteristics of thinking of a political leader can be considered as the collective term. Considering the specific properties of thinking: flexibility, performance, speed, analyticity. Analyzing the ability of leader to perceive and process information for the development of an effective solution. In the process of decision-making, the decisive role played an individual information space. This means that the effectiveness of policy making considerably depends on psychological characteristics of the subject of decision-making, as well as it depends on informational uncertainty. It is inherent not only with external environment but also with decision-making process and may mean not only incomplete information and lack of clear criteria for selecting decision, and with unclear qualitative description of the problem situation.