It is incredible how much information we have about humans and how little we know about ourselves. The high level of complexity and depth of knowledge brought forth by so many different perspectives of countless branches of science and the disciplines of human culture, results in an incredibly incoherent, equally colorful and arid, dynamic and fixed picture of the Human Being. The only being evolved enough to define itself seems stuck in a multiple-choice process of deciding its own definition. This choice is even more important as, at this level of cultural development as a species, it becomes a very part of its own future. The definition is equally the effect and the active cause of what humans will turn into - become. This self-referentiality conjugated with the peculiar nature of living life forms and the phenomenon of consciousness, render the accommodation of the understanding of human beings impossible within the epistemological framework of scientific discourse barred by some rigid fundamental assumptions such as: subject-object distinction, mono-causal linearity determination, or clear-cut categorical determinations. The understanding of the human being is a self-referential historical process which necessitates the transgression of oneself. But, in this very process of self-understanding lays the possibility of the further evolution of human beings.