The Problem Of The Subject And The Freedom After The Era Of Second Modernity / A Filozófia Szabadság-programja És A Szubjektivitás-kritika - A Posztmodern Után
Two great philosophical programs, the Descartes’ universal rationalism and the Kant’s enlightenment, put systematically the concept of the subject in the centre of the discourse about Law, History, Morality and Humanity. The idea of modern liberty is connected with them and determines the philosophy in its whole. Already at the beginning of 20th century Max Scheler calls attention to the necessary alteration of Kant’s concept of subject. At the end of century the French philosophers proposed real resolutions for recreating the concept of subject. Also, Axel Honneth proceeds this way with his critic of subjectivity. The arguments of the contemporary personality theories are taken inti consideration too. Finally this study goes beyond the redraft of philosophical liberty program, taking into consideration the interpretations of Norberto Bobbio and John Rawls