Let K = (p, q...; &, ∨, ~) be a zeroth-order formal language with sentence variables p, q..., two place connectives & (and), ∨ (or) and negation sign ~, and let F be the formula algebra (set of well-formed formulas in K defined in the standard way by induction from the sentence variables). If v is an assignment of truth values 1(true), 0(f alse) to the sentence variables p, q..., then classical propositional logic is characterized by extending v by induction from p, q... to the formula algebra F in such a manner that the extension (called interpretation and also denoted by v) be a “homomorphism” from F into the two-element Boolean algebra B 2 ≡ (1, 0, ⋂, ⋃, ⊥), where “homomorphism” means that the following hold υ(q&p)=υ(q)∩υ(p)υ(q∨p)=υ(q)∪υ(p)υ(∼q)=υ(q)⊥.