Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics (
Big Data ethics3 informs about how data can be used ethically and gives principles and values to decide how to use it. The values and norms proposed within this area of research aim to influence laws and guide the use of data. The field of Big Data ethics is expanding with new digital technologies and applications, such as the creation of smart cities, robots, or biometric technology, where data fuels their development and innovation. Thus, this field relates to other ethics’ fields – bioethics, ethics of AI, business ethics, Internet ethics, or the ethics of robots. This book chapter has been evaluated through an extensive literature in Big Data ethics (Richards and King 2014) (Boyd and Crawford 2012) (Diaz and Gürses 2012) (Chen and Quan-Haase 2020) (SHERPA 2019) to present a list of the most significant issues in this field.