The Structure and Hermeneutics of Seraj al-Salikin of Mulla Muhsin Faidh Kashani
In this article through using a synoptic approach, and analysing the text bytwo philosophical methodologies, namely structural analysis andhermeneutics, we have tried to offer a new deeper understanding of the Serajal-Salekin of Mulla Muhsen Feiz Kashani, revealing its hidden and esotericdimensions.Seraj al-Salekin is a collection of poems from the Mathnawi of Rumi whichhave been selected by Muhsen Feiz Kashani. The poems have been selectedbased on their theme and have been set in a new order and design. This workalongside Kashefi’s lobo lobab Mathnawi is the best works on the Mathnawirevealing its thematic harmony. However its greatest methodologicaldisadvantage is taking the verses out of their context, which has a greateffect on the manner of understanding the Mathnawi.Seraj al-Salekin alongside the commentary of Mulla Hadi Sabzevari is oneof the most important works in revealing the continuation of Rumi’s thoughtin the school of Transcendent philosophy.Seraj al-Salekin begins and ends by Love, this, through a synoptic approach,reveals the central role of Love from an ontological and mystical aspect inthe thought of Mullah Muhsen Feiz Kashani. Seraj al-Salekin is not simply aselection of Rumi’s Mathnawi but it is a deep and systematic hermeneuticinterpretation of the Sufism bible or Persian Qur’an