The Structure and Hermeneutics of the Third Book of Rumi’s Mathnawi
Mathnawi is the masterpiece of Mawlana Jalaliddin Mohammad BalkhiRumi Khorasani , the greatest Persian mystic and poet whocomposed the Mathnawi around seven hundred years ago in Konya. Hithertothe most important criticism in regards with Mathnawi is its apparent lack ofstructure and plan.However, in this paper, the author aims to illustrate the structure,hermeneutics and synoptic view of the third book of Rumi’s Mathnawi,which hitherto has never been attempted before. The main theme of the thirdbook is ‘Intellect’ and ‘Wisdom’ which has been presented in twelve paralleldiscourses. The sections within each discourse were not planned linearly butsynoptically using the literary principles of parallelism, chiasmus andhermeneutics. The structure of the third book, which is comprised of 220sections and 53 stories, is constituted of 12 discourses in 3 blocks