The Structure and Hermeneutics of the Sixth Book of Mathnawi
In this article the structure of the sixth book of Mathnawi as a whole will beanalysed, through analysing each section of the sixth book and determiningwhether it is thematic or narrative. Sections that are related to one anotherwill be identified as discourses, in order to create larger units. The sixth bookof Mathnawiis comprised of twelve long discourses, in which narrative unityis weak. After identifying these larger units, the relationship between thesections of a discourse and their thematic relationship with one another willbe analysed, andthis will result in the significant discovery of this research,which is the discovery of the whole structure of the sixth book of Mathnawi.The sections of each discourse from a sequential perspective lack structureand appear as random, however by reading the text synoptically the authorhas discovered a unique and immaculate structure based on the twoprinciples of parallelism and chiasmus, which is unexpected, and hithertohad not been discovered.On one hand through the sequential approach, thetext seems to be accidental, lacking any form of structure, but on the otherhand through the synoptic approach, it is ordered and organised, and has aunique and beautiful structure. A synoptic structure is not only satisfyingfrom an aesthetic perspective, but also creates the possibility for discoveringnew meanings and designs with emphasis on the importance of the structure,both of which are equally important. The sixth book has been discussed andanalysed as a whole, and based on this the stories are structured andorganised. Through sequential reading the sixth book is comprised of 141sections and 47 long and short stories, but based on the synoptic approachand hermeneutic methodology it includes 12 discourses, which have aparallel relationship with one another. By analysing the sixth book throughthe synoptic approach and hermeneutic methodology, the gradual evolutionand transcendence of “annihilation in Tawhid” on the spiritual path isrevealed