The aspects presented in literary works include issues of morality, religion, manners, customs, economy, behavior, social, and social order that are closely related to the life of social society from the author's perspective, which can be implemented in literary works and lessons can be taken in the form of moral messages. This study analyzes the moral messages contained in literary works, in a collection of short stories entitled "Men - Men Without Women" by Haruki Murakami using Nurgiyantoro's Theory regarding human relationships with themselves, other humans, and their God. This study aims to describe the moral values depicted by male and female characters and to explain the moral messages conveyed through these narratives. This study uses a qualitative approach, descriptive data analysis techniques from short stories to identify ethical dilemmas and the resolutions presented. The data collection procedure is carried out in several stages, namely determining the data source, collecting data, grouping data, and providing code numbers in the assessment instrument, In accordance with the formulation of the problem that has been explained, it was found that the moral message contained in the short story collection "Men - Men Without Women" which is described by the characters in the literary work, includes honesty, authentic values, willingness to take responsibility, independence and moral courage, humble, realistic and critical, then reluctant, afraid, ashamed, pretending, affection, loyalty, and helping each other which are integral parts of character development and social reflection. Furthermore, in conveying the moral message in the short story collection using two methods, namely directly and indirectly, but more emphasis on the indirect method.