Granì 12:31-35 (
Today it is increasingly becoming the subject of attention of philosophers, philologists, linguists, since the existence of many problems and their solutions are in the language. To any information became available to the human mind, you need to make much effort to establish links between the mind and the outside world. The author of the article analyzes the active and constructive properties of language and its ability to influence the popular culture, psychology and creative writing I. Herder, W. von Humboldt, J., L. Vaysgerbera and others. Since, it is a social phenomenon and it reflected the requirements of collectivism, the author of the article reveals its role in the development of culture through their close interrelation in modern society. It is a necessary condition and a means of socialization of the individual and no common life with other people without learning social norms, rules, culture, without development achievements created by the labor of many generations, people are not aware of themselves as part of society. The article author is considered as a unique way of educating people and a universal condition for the existence of any culture.